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February 16, 2023

Schletter supports reconstruction in Turkey

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Kirchdorf/Haag, 15 February 2023. Solar assembly manufacturer Schletter Group to be involved in reconstruction efforts in Syria and Turkey to support earthquake victims. The company is about to open a manufacturing site near Istanbul. Schletter intends to donate the first mounting systems manufactured there to the construction of new electricity infrastructure. 

"We have been active in Turkey and the Middle East for twelve years and have not only built PV installations there but also developed partnerships and friendships - notably, including in the earthquake region," says Taner Öztürk, Managing Director of Schletter Turkey. "The earthquake disaster has deeply affected us."

In the immediate term, the company has made a monetary donation to the emergency aid agency "Aktion Deutschland hilft" to support disaster relief efforts that are underway in Turkey and Syria. In addition, Schletter’s MD Florian Roos handed over an aid package to the German-Turkish Forum in Stuttgart last week. The forum organises aid deliveries to the affected regions, among other things.

Schletter additionally intends to contribute to the reconstruction of the energy infrastructure. The first PV mounting systems produced at the new Turkish plant will go to a local reconstruction project and Schletter will provide mounting systems for one megawatt of PV output free of charge. Schletter is currently approaching project developers and module manufacturers who are also keen to get involved in the region. Interested parties can contact

Info on donations for the affected regions:  

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