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Legal Notice.

Alustraße 1   
83527 Kirchdorf   

Call: +49 8072 / 9191 – 0   
Fax: +49 8072 / 9191 – 9100   

Commercial register: Traunstein   
Register Number: HRB 27110   
Sales tax identification No.: DE318739607

Florian Roos, Martin Lipp, Dr. Cedrik Zapfe, Ralf Maus, Richard Lothholz


1. Content of the website

The Schletter Solar GmbH (limited company) does not warrant the up-to-dateness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided.

According to the general laws, especially the German Teleservices Act, we are responsible for website contents provided by ourselves. For external information, we can only be held responsible within the framework of §§ 8 – 10 of the German Teleservices Act. Thus, the Schletter Solar GmbH has no general obligation to monitor external information. If we get knowledge of any illegal contents on our website, we will remove them immediately.

All offers are subject to change and non-binding. Schletter exclusively reserves the right to change, amend and/or delete parts of the pages or the complete range of offers or to interrupt or stop their public display partially or completely without any specific prior notice.

2. References and links

Our website contains direct and indirect references (hyperlinks) to websites that are completely independent from our website. When these hyperlinks were placed on our website, they were checked for illegal contents. Such illegal contents could not be detected. If we get knowledge of any illegal content, we will remove the respective link immediately.

3. Copyright and trademark law

The website is subject to copyright regulations. Any duplication, modification, distribution or any kind of utilization that go beyond the normal use of the website require an explicit written approval by the Schletter Solar GmbH.

Contents provided by third parties are labeled as such. The website has been thoroughly checked for potential copyright infringements and infringements of other rights. If we get knowledge of any infringement, we will remove the infringing contents from our website immediately.

© Schletter Solar GmbHOur general terms and conditions

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